Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:42 PM
Inspired By Michael Jackson!:

Did you miss the telecast of MJ's live concert in Munich this evening? Yes.... then you have missed a lot!

I don't care what the media said about him. His performance is awesome! His spirit lives amongst us! Even though it has been so many years ago, his performance still brings tear to my eyes.

My heart melts away when he sang "You Are Not Alone". How many of us felt so so alone in this big wide world? He reminded us that we are not alone!

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone...

It's so lovely! It's so heart-warming! My friends... remember this "You Are Not Alone"! I'm here with you.

Besides all his famous master pieces, he chose 2 heart touching songs to end his concert - Earth Song and Heal The World. These resonate on the highest note in my heart!

We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we cry happy tears
See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space
To make a better place ...
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me

Let us make the world a better place for ourselves and our children! Where shall we start? It all starts with ME! Yes, YOU!

In Truth, Simplicity & Love,
Gladys Lee

Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:05 PM
Being Aware & Conscious in Life!:

These 2 days I have this very strange feeling which I can't really put it in words! I kind of busy doing what needed to be done and yet observing myself at a distance feeling calm and peaceful. I wonder who else can relate to this?

It's like me yet not me! Oops, please do not think that I'm out of my mind! :)

I guess my awareness has expanded and I'm in the process of getting used to this "New Found Me". The adjustment is pretty great for me as I kind of feeling overwhelmed in my head, though my heart is clear. Maybe it's time for me to do some breathing!

I'm so grateful to my friends who have supported me in my Stress Release Workshop (in Mandarin)! We will be having our monthly sessions and this is definitely a great beginning! It has inspired me to move forward to Reach Out To The Community! Yes, I have just submitted my application to be a PA Trainer today. My friends, send me your blessings, please... :)

Let your conscious expand and enjoy life fully now!

In Truth, Simplicity & Love,
Gladys Lee

Sunday, August 2, 2009 11:24 PM
Intention Creates!:

To all my lovely friends,

It's been a long while since I last updated my blog. Loads of stuff had happened & kept me busy for the past few weeks! I believe the same had been so over at your side.

My heart had been burdened by some concerns recently. However, I was kept reminded that Thoughts Are Creative! Hence, without knowing HOW these concerns of mine will be resolved, I just assured myself that they are just WHAT they are. My master and close friends reminded me to set my intention. This helped me to review my thoughts and I set my intentions indeed.

Intention created a new job for me with an amazing global company that provides state of the art coach training! Intention created a community for me to spread the good work of breathwork! And Intention created a teacher for me in learning to manage my finances!

I'm most grateful to the Universe for all its blessings! However, I do also have to continue to remind myself to remain coachable and teachable. Lots to learn & Lots to give back! May my heart be always willing!

You may ask why I wrote in such strange manner. That's because I've just read "The Richest Man In Babylon"! An amazing treasure from the past that I strongly recommend all to read and practice the golden laws!

May you be blessed with all riches! Till we next meet again!

In Truth, Simplicity & Love,
Gladys Lee