Friday, April 17, 2009
3:41 PM Living Life At Your Fullest Potential!: If you have not seen Susan Boyle on YouTube, you have not seen the STAR of today! I was mesmerized completely by her astounding performance! On 11 Apr 09, she stepped onto the Britain Got Talent Show as a 47 year old lady from a large town with many small villages, and walked off the stage with her head high with millions of fans around the world right now! She is... our dream come true! (APPLAUSE!!!) She is truly a life example of how one can choose to live ones' life at ones' full potential! She chose to stand on the stage of life by living her passion regardless of what others see her. What about you? Do you have a strong belief that you shine like a star? I do now! Susan Boyle, you have truly inspired me! Thank you, thank you! Let us all bring our hearts together and live life at our fullest potential! Live like there is no tomorrow... Be Your Best... At Your Best... in whatever you do! I don't know about you, but I am putting in my 100% effort in all the works of my hands - everything! Another great lesson that I got from watching her is to continue to look out for opportunities and be ready when opportunities knock on the door! Step Up and take the stage! The stage is ours to take whenever we are ready. So, are you ready? I am ready! If there are areas that I'm not ready, I am working on those areas by gaining knowledge through education. Do not stop learning even if you hold a PhD or Doctorate. Life is a learning and growing process! I love life! In Truth, Simplicity & Love, Gladys Lee Breathworker Labels: Living With Passion Tuesday, April 7, 2009
3:28 PM Leading With Passion!: Recently, the topic on leadership struck me head on - in the area of my work, my family and even my life! It set me thinking, "What makes a great leader?". I learned that a leader has to continue to learn and grow in order to lead his followers, including his company, his family, to higher plane. It's very easy for man to become contended or self-absorbed that one became egoistic. (Here, I'm using the term "man" interchangeably with "woman". Leadership applies to both male and female!) That's when one displayed the characteristics of "I know it all!" and "You do what I told you to!". How many of you have such leaders in your life? (LOL, I can see many hands up!) I'm learning how to be a great leader. What about you? First of all, develop the Habit of Initiative! Meaning to do things without being told! I know many parents would say that is exactly the kind of habit I want my kids to learn and practice. Before we even go there, what about yourself? Yes, I mean you! Have you been practicing the Habit of Initiative in your workplace, at home or in your life? Monkeys see, monkeys do! So, let us start with ourselves in developing this powerful habit before we expect our kids to follow. Look around your workplace, your home or your life and see what you can do without anyone telling you to do it. And, just do it! Yes, I am committed to develop this Habit of Initiative! Will you join me? In Truth, Simplicity & Love, Gladys Lee Breathworker Labels: Leading With Passion Friday, April 3, 2009
1:56 PM Parenting Teens With Unconditional Love!: I've some friends asking me what am I doing now after reading my blog. My apology for unclear introduction. I am a Breathworker. You may click on my friend's, John Stamoulos, link on the right hand side and read further. He is my Master in Breathwork! He is a very caring and loving friend and teacher. You may also email me directly and I will send you my e-flyer about this topic. I'm also a trained parent facilitator, an education coach and have done T. Harv Eker's & Blair Singer's training. After 2 years of intensive personal development training, I created my own parenting workshops. During the course of my work, I came across many parents who were lost in bringing up their kids and felt deeply for those kids who were battling amongst themselves and their parents. I deeply desire to help parents in seeing the world from their kids' perspective and loving them as who they are. This is a tall order! As many parents are very sceptical when asked to love their kids, especially teens, unconditionally. Questions like "Would I spoil my kids?", "If I love them as who they are now, wouldn't they think that I condone their behaviour?, "Shouldn't I as the parent tell them what is right?" flooded their minds (if not, their mouths). This dilemma is even more prevalent when the kids reach their teenage years. Our kids are born pure and loving (look at babies if you have any doubts.)! We "woo-ed" & "wow-ed" whenever they mastered a new skill like turning, crawling, walking, etc. We coerced them into talking even before they began to call "papa" and "mama". What happened after our kids began their journey of self-mastery (which I deemed began once a child reach 2 and into his/her teens years)? There came a point when our angels turned monsters! When we stopped them from learning new skill like using the computer (for the sake of their health & study!), asking too many questions (for the sake of some peace and quietness!), playing with their friends (for the sake of mixing around with the wrong folks & their study!), etc. etc. Or the other extreme where we got them to learn more new skills like playing the piano, ballet dancing, etc (for the sake of being better than the other kids!), visiting the experts (for the sake of my child not speaking as much as other kids, my child not as smart as other kids, my child can't focus and sit still like other kids!), etc. etc. Pardon me, I strongly believe we are all great parents! We are all doing the best that we know as of now. However, there are yet many things that we do not know as parents. Isn't it high time now to explore what is it that we do not know? Parents are leaders! When was the last time you learn about leadership? Parents are lovers! When was the last time you felt love? I do not ask when was the last time you gave love, because many of us would feel that we have been giving too much. The irony is - if we have not felt loved for a long time, how then we are able to give love? When we are so dried up inside us, what kind of love are we giving to others? DRIED UP LOVE! So, now you know why your kids are not feeling the love even when you are giving non-stop? LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY - It's easier said then done! It took me almost 40 years to learn this, 20 years to practice this and many more years to master this! Are you game to start this learning journey? If you are, email, sms or call me. Then I know I'm not alone on this quest! "Loves makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." - Zora Neale Hurston In Truth, Simplicity & Love, Gladys Lee Breathworker Labels: Parenting With Passion |
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